Coaching Sessions and Packages
DRAGON Presentation Package
6 week 1-to-1 Presentation package: includes initial consultation to assess objectives and needs, customised programme, 6 x 1-to-1 sessions, email support, 2 x remote presentation video reviews, 6 x 15 minute voice coaching calls, full progress report and recommendations upon completion.
105,000 yen
LION Presentation Package
6 week 1-to-1 Presentation package: includes initial consultation to assess objectives and needs, customised programme, 6 x 1-to-1 sessions, email support, full progress report and recommendations upon completion.
95,000 yen
TIGER Presentation Package
6 week 1-to-1 Presentation package: includes initial consultation to assess objectives and needs, customised programme, 6 x 1-to-1 sessions, email support.
88,000 yen
1-to-1 Coaching sessions
Additional hour bolt-ons or smaller speech projects available on request.
Impro-Training© Series
Impro-tation©, Impro-pitch©, Impro-team©, Impro-cation©, Impro-sales©
Prices per hour unless stated.
6 - 20 attendees (min 2 hours): 20,000 yen
Half Day Rate (3.5hrs): 65,000 yen
Full Day Rate (7hrs): 120,000 yen
20+ attendees (2 trainers present, minimum 2 hrs): 36,000 yen
Half Day Rate (3.5hrs): 115,000 yen
Full Day Rate (7hrs): 215,000 yen
Facilitation & MC’ing
from 25,000 yen
1. 1-to-1 sessions and workshops are inclusive of preparation, travel within Tokyo, and materials.
2. Facilitation and MC'ing is inclusive of preparation, travel within Tokyo
3. Exclusive of 8% Japanese tax.
1 USD = 103.280 JPY @1NOV16